why the name BRIDGE42

The purpose of a bridge is to fill a gap. Scripture teaches that there is a gap in between God and humanity. All of us have permanently and eternally separated ourselves from God by our sin and rebellion. There is nothing that we could ever do, no bridge that we could ever build, nothing that we could ever earn or buy that would be able to bridge the gap that our sin has created.

The bible says, however, that while I was still a sinner, while I was on my own, destitute for eternity, completely cut-off from God, Jesus came and built the bridge that I needed with His life. He took all of my sin upon Himself.  Everything that I have ever done, every dark secret in my heart, every painful thing that had ever been done to me; Jesus bore it all IN HIS BODY.

He allowed Himself to be brutally beaten and then murdered in my place; experiencing the horror of being cut-off from His Father, the source of all life and blessing.  Jesus bore the just punishment of every sin that ever had, or ever would be committed, but that's not the end of the story. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead conquering sin, death, and hell once and for all so that you and I would have the ability to be restored.

Restored to:




Restored to God

The way we were originally created to be. He didn't just build the bridge with His death and resurrection, He is now pursuing us out of His love, interceding for us, leading us to back to God. He opens our eyes to His grace, teaches us to believe, and helps us as we walk across the Bridge that He built as redeemed, restored, beloved children of God.  

Acts 2:42 gives us the blueprint for what our lives begin to look like as we walk together across this Bridge that Jesus built. We devote ourselves to the Apostles' teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. These are the four pillars of who we are as a people, and what we are called to be as God's Church. These pillars knit us together, draw us closer to Jesus, and make us more like Him until the day that He returns and we see Him face to face.